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Commercial Vendors

Now accepting vendors for 2024!

We have available indoor space in the Exhibition Building. Most spaces are 12 x 12 and are $450 for the entire week. Electricity is included in this price.

We have limited availability for outdoor vendors, as our space is filling quickly. Outdoor costs are $40 per front foot for non-food vendors and $45 per front foot for food vendors. Electricity is an additional $75 for non-food vendors and $100 for food vendors.

If you are a new vendor, the first thing to do is fill out an application. We send out contracts to existing vendors in early spring. New vendors may not hear from us until after the first round of contracts have been returned. Please feel free to email jodi@wisconsinvalleyfair.com for a status update.

The electronic application below will automatically be sent in to the fair administrator. Alternately, you can print off an application and mail it to: Wisconsin Valley Fair, 500 Forest Street Wausau, WI.

Thank you for your interest in our fair!

Application to be printed and mailed in

Vendor Registration/Application

Please complete the application. We also accept mailed applications with checks. Please contact us with any questions.

Exhibitor & Booth Information

Previous Vendor

Please describe/list the products sold/displayed


List all equipment, volts, and amps usage

Security/Damage Deposit

The Security/Damage Deposit alone will not hold your space. ONLY payment of 100% of your Booth Space rental will hold your space.


I agree to the terms and conditions


Type in your name
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