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Home > Events > Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

Thursday, November 2 at East Gate Hall at 7 PM



East Gate Hall, Marathon Park – Wausau, WI

Thursday, November 2, 2023

7:00 p.m.

  • Call to order – Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll call - The Constitution provides that the members present at any regulatory called meeting shall constitute a quorum.
  • President’s Remarks –Keith Langenhahn
  • Minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting
  • Administrator’s Report on the past year’s operation of the Marathon County Agricultural Society – Jodi Langenhahn
  • Financial Report – Jodi Langenhahn and Lisa Day
  • Report of the Nominating Committee – Eldred Suckow
  • Junior Fair
  • Memberships
  • Announce election returns
  • Any other business
  • Invite those present to stay for refreshments
  • Adjourn

If any MEMBER present did not receive a ballot when entering, please check in at the table and pick one up.

Motion for approval

Motion for approval

  • Director’s terms expiring – Keith Langenhahn, Nathan Lieders, Matt Christian
  • The committee recommends Langenhahn, Lieders, Christian
  • Nominations from the floor
  • Nominating Committee to pick up ballots and act as teller
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